This Is Why You Should Fall In Love With The Girl Who Overthinks

This Is Why You Should Fall In Love With The Girl Who Overthinks
girl overthinking
Unsplash / Matheus Ferrero

Fall in love with the girl who overthinks, because she has a huge heart. The last thing she ever wants to do is upset you. That’s why she’ll replay conversations in her head again and again — because she’s worried that she said something wrong, that she accidentally upset you.

Her apologies are always genuine. Every time sorry leaves her mouth, she means it. And she will try hard to make it up to you. She’s not the type to make excuses. She admits when she’s wrong and takes action to prevent it from happening again in the future.

She is a giver and she would hate herself for hurting you. She only wants to bring you smiles and happiness and laughter. Nothing less.

Fall in love with the girl who overthinks, because she will send the most adorable texts. It might take her a few tries to get her words write, but once she does, you’ll be complimenting her sweetness. You’ll be screenshotting the conversation to save forever, to look at when you’re feeling low.

Fall in love with the girl who overthinks, because she will have the most captivating, stimulating conversations with you. She will analyze a scene from a book or a television show for hours. She will make the deepest observations about anything and everything. She will constantly surprise you by how intelligent she is.

Fall in love with the girl who overthinks, because she takes charge. She doesn’t sit around and wait for someone else to help her. She has an intricate, creative mind and puts it to use.

Because of this, she will plan out the best dates of your life. She will take you on romantic trips and spoil you with surprises.

And you will never have to worry about choosing a restaurant or finding directions, because she will have everything figured out ahead of time, down to the tiniest detail. Meanwhile, you can just sit back and enjoy your time with her. You can take in the experience and be stress-free.

Fall in love with the girl who overthinks, because she will always look out for you. She picks up on the smallest details, which means she’ll notice if your boss is getting annoyed by you or if your mother is hinting at a specific birthday gift.

And when it comes time to buying you a gift, she will always pick out the perfect one, because she’ll remember if you stared at a certain watch for a little too long or commented on your friend’s new gaming system. You’ll feel like she can read your mind, because she always knows what you want.

Fall in love with the girl who overthinks, because she will consider your feelings and act accordingly. She never makes a decision without really thinking it through, and if you’re dating her, that means she’ll make sure it’s the best decision for the both of you. She won’t act selfish.

Fall in love with the girl who overthinks, because she pays attention to every little thing. That means she has observed your best traits and your worst traits. So if she is with you, she must really love you. She must have decided the good outweighs the bad.

She must be serious about spending forever alongside you. TC mark

Holly Riordan is the author of Lifeless Souls, available here.

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