WATCH: Father Cheers, Watching Man Brutally Executed For Horrific Act Against His 3-YO Girl

WATCH: Father Cheers, Watching Man Brutally Executed For Horrific Act Against His 3-YO Girl
Police executing Muhammad Al Maghrabi after he confessed to raping and murdering a 3-year-old girl (pictured above).

Police officers in Sana’a,  Yemen publicly executing Muhammad Al Maghrabi, a 41-year-old Moroccan national, with an AK-47 after he confessed to kidnapping, raping and murdering a 3-year-old girl while a massive crowd watches (pictured above).

Earlier this week, a man was publicly executed in Sana’a, Yemen after he confessed to raping and murdering a 3-year-old girl. Unsurprisingly, the girl’s father and mother were pleased by such a swift act of justice.

According to reports, police recently executed Muhammad Al Maghrabi, a 41-year-old Moroccan national living in Yemen, after he admitted to abducting, sexually abusing, and killing Rana Almatari, a three-year-old toddler. Al Maghrabi allegedly kidnapped the child while she was playing outside of her home in Sana’a, Yemen during an Eid al-Fitr festival, an important Muslim holiday marking the end of Ramadan, another important Muslim holiday. Al Maghrabi then reportedly took her back to his father’s house. There, the helpless child was raped and strangled to death.

Rana Almatari, the three-year-old toddler killed by Muhammad Al Maghrabi.

Rana Almatari, the three-year-old toddler who was abducted, raped, and strangled to death by Muhammad Al Maghrabi.

“Rana walked out of the house to play with other children. After 10 or 15 minutes, I went out to find her. We looked everywhere, there was no sign of her, we sent friends, relatives, and neighbors in cars to look for her,” recalled the girl’s mother, Jamileh. “There was [sic] no signs of her,” she continued, noting, “it was bizarre how Rana had disappeared as if the ground had opened and swallowed her.”

Rana’s dead body was later dumped next to a mosque in Beit Miyad, the neighborhood where she was from. Police immediately launched an investigation following the girl’s disappearance. Two days later, they arrested Al Maghrabi on suspicion of taking the child and subsequently raided his home. Inside, they found pills and lubricants, leading them to believe that he had planned the crime.

While in custody, Al Maghrabi confessed to rape and murder. The judge initially sentenced him to 100 lashes but after vast numbers of people complained that he was getting off too easy, he decided to give him the death penalty instead. Following the judge’s ruling, he was brought to Tahir Square and summarily executed by police with an AK-47 in front of a crowd of roughly 10,000. His death was also televised on national television.

Warning: Video contains graphic images. Watch at your own risk.

The girl’s father, Yaha, was among those watching Al Maghrabi’s execution. He told reporters that watching his death made him feel “relief and satisfaction.” Specifically, he said, “I feel as if I have been reborn. This is the first day of my life. I am relieved now,” adding,” justice and the ruling of God and Sharia law have prevailed.”

The girl’s family refused to bury their child while Al Maghrabi was still alive. After he was killed, they brought her dead body to a nearby cemetery and laid her to rest. “I watched my daughter Rana’s killer being executed in Tahrir Square in Sana’a then I went with the men of my family and neighbors and some of the people in the crowd to the hospital where Rana was in the morgue,” explained Yaha. ‘We took her small body and buried her in the nearby cemetery,” he continued, noting, “my wife Jamileh and I are grateful to God. Justice and the ruling of Allah have been done.”

Yaha Almatari, Rana's father.

Yaha Almatari, Rana’s father, told reporters that he felt “relief and satisfaction” while he watched the execution of his daughter’s killer.

Jamileh, who was also present at the time that Al Maghrabi was executed, added, “we demanded the immediate ruling and punishment of the criminal and now Justice had prevailed.”

Fouad Almatari, Rana’s uncle, was also pleased by Al Maghrabi’s death. “Hell is written all over the killer’s face,” he told reporters. “We demanded from our government and the justice department a quick ruling on this crime and according to the sharia law and as soon as possible so that we could rest and so that Rana’s soul could rest in peace. Justice has now been done,” he added.

By executing Maghrabi’s, Yemen is sending a powerful message to the rest of the country that harming children will not be tolerated. Hopefully, it will deter other people from doing something similar in the future.

The post WATCH: Father Cheers, Watching Man Brutally Executed For Horrific Act Against His 3-YO Girl appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.

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