Residents Horrified As ‘Mini Hezbollah’ Spreads Bold Mission, Warning Of Impending Doom

Residents Horrified As ‘Mini Hezbollah’ Spreads Bold Mission, Warning Of Impending Doom
Locals in LA were shocked to find that a branch of Hezbollah was being formed

Locals in LA were shocked to find that a branch of Hezbollah was being formed

Locals in Los Angeles areas were shocked to find fliers distributed around their neighborhood in support of a terrorist group.  The flier depicted warnings and threats to citizens in the United States for their continual aggression and actions in the Persian Gulf and Middle East. The locals who found the threatening fliers were nervous as the Quranic messages and scripts were extremely similar to ones produced by terrorist organizations like Hezbollah.

Iranian-Jewish local and businessman Bijan Khalili found the fliers around his home and publishing company and alerted his neighbors and the police. Iranians like Bijan fled the oppressive regime that was taking over their country and headed for a place where they could live free from Islamic rule in the United States. Hezbollah has long threatened many Jews as their relationship with Israel is tense to say the least.

Hezbollah has a military arm that has been categorized as a terrorist organization

Hezbollah has a military arm that has been categorized as a terrorist organization

Many countries refer to them as a terrorist group and other refer to them simply as a political organization. Countries like Russia see them as an organization and nothing more while China up keeps contacts but decline to comment on the matter.  Israel has been the enemy of Hezbollah since the Israel-Lebanon Conflict of 2006.  

Hezbollah militants took it upon themselves to organize a defense for the country and were assisted by Iran in terms of training and equipment. Iran has stood behind groups like Hezbollah since their revolution and use them as proxy fighters for their ongoing aggression with Israel.  

Los Angeles has long been a refuge for those fleeing from groups like Hezbollah and other radical Islamists. There are nearly 40,000 Jewish Iranians alone in the city and fliers like these have left them feeling uneasy.  

Many of them thought that such a movement could never be carried out in the United States and yet dozens of these hateful and terrorizing messages were displayed across the area of Westwood. These fliers were discovered and reported by Iranians of different faiths to the Los Angeles Police Department as the type of lettering used is traditional in Iran.  

The 2006 War of Lebanon left thousands dead as the war was sparked when Hezbollah fired missiles towards Israel in July of 2006

The 2006 War of Lebanon left thousands dead as the war was sparked when Hezbollah fired missiles towards Israel in July of 2006

Radical Islam is here in this country. If they are not plotting an attack to scare those who would resist into just conforming to Islam, then they are trying to gain political power in our system. These are not groups or organizations that want to become American or even bridge the gap between cultures.  

They are here to change the rules of law so that Sharia can take hold and dominate those who would speak out against it. It is plain to see the Muslim youth of the world are being systematically radicalized to become cannon fodder in political or ideological debates across the globe. It is unclear at this time whether the one who put the fliers up was a lone wolf extremists or an organized plan carried out by an individual.

The fliers depicted messages that were similar to the messages spewed by Hezbollah, making statements that suggest that the the Zionist controlled media has corrupted the minds of many and that for every action taken in the Middle East and Persian Gulf would increase the solider count for Hezbollah in the United States.  

These kinds of messages are purely anti-Israel and can be traced back to their biggest enemies, Iran. Long has Iran sought to undermine Israel’s influence as well as their aggression with the proxy wars that took place in Lebanon and the current one in Syria. The current conflict in Syria has pro-Assad Iran using their Hezbollah forces to fight against both the Free Syrian Army, rebels, and ISIS, third party opportunists.

Hezbollah flexes its power as they use fear and intimidation to keep their dominance over the populace.

Hezbollah flexes its power as they use fear and intimidation to keep their dominance over the populace.

Despite Hezbollah’s fight against ISIS in the region, many Iranian-Americans are nervous that the pro-Iranian government’s attack dogs are becoming prevalent in the United States. Local leaders cite that the aggression between Muslims and Jews in the Los Angeles areas have only been getting worse as many have been criticized for drinking or wearing scandalous clothes.  

They also mention that these kinds of threats grew under the Obama Administration because of their lackadaisical approach towards the Iranian regime, especially with their horrible Iran Deal. Luckily Mr. Khalili captured some footage of the perpetrator and turned it over to authorities, however the authorities have been quiet or unhelpful in this matter but locals are patient to see the results of an investigation.   

The post Residents Horrified As ‘Mini Hezbollah’ Spreads Bold Mission, Warning Of Impending Doom appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.

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