Army Of Black Justice Warriors Sends Out Grim Order As State Officials Order Huge Change

Army Of Black Justice Warriors Sends Out Grim Order As State Officials Order Huge Change
Following A New Law, The NAACP Issued A "Travel Advisory" To Missouri.

Following A New Law, The NAACP Issued A “Travel Advisory” To Missouri.

The NAACP just issued their first ever “Travel advisory” to a state in the country. The advisory says, “Individuals traveling in the state are advised to travel with extreme CAUTION. Race, gender and color based crimes have a long history in Missouri.”

Yes, they are issuing an advisory in the state of Missouri. This is all due to a new state law signed by Gov. Eric Greitens designed to reduce “frivolous lawsuits” in the state.

The new law is going to take effect on August 28th. This is just the latest travel alert to appear from the NAACP, as they have issued warnings in Texas and Arizona. Time will tell if this warning is justified or all smoke.

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