Terrorist “Rehab” Shuts Down As Officials Fail To Help 1 SINGLE Jihadi

Terrorist “Rehab” Shuts Down As Officials Fail To Help 1 SINGLE Jihadi
The program courted controversy back in January when it was revealed that one of the first residents was arrested on terror charges and was suspected of wanting to travel to Syria last year to join Islamists groups.

The program courted controversy back in January when it was revealed that one of the first residents was arrested on terror charges and was suspected of wanting to travel to Syria last year to join Islamists groups.

France’s only rehab center for Islamic extremists is shutting its doors permanently, after the government announced that less than half of the places in the controversial program were filled, failing to attract jihadis.

The radicalization of young Muslims has become a growing problem not only in France, but also in many other countries of Western Europe. Regarding this concerning issue, the Interior Ministry came up with a plan to “deradicalize” those Muslims who had fallen into the radical Islamist scene by setting the so-called “jihadi-rehab” center. This program was officially held in Beaumont-en-Véron in 2016.

However, the French Interior Ministry just announced that this program will be closed after filling only nine of the 25 places available. Apparently, of the nine individuals who did volunteer to take part in the rehab center, none actually completed the course, which represents a colossal failure for a program that many people criticized, assuring that this was a naïve action to fight Islamic extremism.

Suicide bombers from ISIS

Suicide bombers from ISIS just before detonation at airport in France

Regarding the lack of success, Minister of the Interior Gerard Collomb said on Friday that the experiment has not been conclusive, even when there has been a lot of determination of the staff of the program, who demonstrated their capacity to treat radicalized Muslims.

Collomb told that the ministry has ordered an immediate repurpose of the rehab center, but assured the government would continue to pursue a program to deradicalize those who fell in the claws of Islamic extremism. However, this new program will be on a much smaller scale, which many experts believe it could guarantee another big failure for a government that hasn’t shown any kind of efficiency in trying to solve this terrible issue.

The rehab center was completely voluntary and did not house any jihadi who was considered dangerous as anyone who had committed violent acts was not allowed to apply. Many assured this kind of solution was extremely weak and predicted this scenario could eventually happen. Apparently, eleven more centers were planned as part of a $47 million program. The project would have had the capacity to host hundreds of people.

Horrific Vehicle Ramming Attack Killed More Than 80 in France in 2016.

Horrific Vehicle Ramming Attack Killed More Than 80 in France in 2016.

The program courted controversy back in January when it was revealed that one of the first residents was arrested on terror charges and was suspected of wanting to travel to Syria last year to join Islamists groups. The person was a young man named Mustafa S.

The end of this rehab center will likely be welcome news for local residents who had a negative reaction to the announcement of it last year. Many of them expressed outrage saying the center could put their small town in danger, considering the threats of jihadis. However, those who expressed their support for the rehab center brutally criticized these people and assured they were only showing their bigotry and Islamophobia.

Muslims’ radicalization is a growing problem in this country, especially in its heavily-migrant populated areas like those outside Paris. More than 230 civilians have been killed in terrorist attacks in France since the start of 2015. In fact, the country has been in a state of emergency for almost two years.

French citizens pay their respects to those killed by ISIS in Paris.

French citizens pay their respects to those killed by ISIS in Paris.

While the 2015 attacks represented one of the worst tragedies in the country’s history, many experts didn’t feel surprised by this unspeakable event. According to their analysis about the increasing threat of Islamic extremism in France, in addition to fighting jihadists worldwide, this nation has one of the largest Muslim populations in Europe and one of the most divided.

So far, France has over 10,000 French troops deployed abroad, over 3,000 in Western Africa, 2,000 in Central, and 3,200 in Iraq. While the country has shown its pride in its proactive stance against Islamists worldwide, radicalized Muslims within French soil has committed terrorists attacks in retaliation.

Another element that explains the problem is the fact that 70 percent of the inmates in France’s prisons are Muslim, which turns these places into radicalizing centers. As a matter of fact, the Toulouse shooter of 2012, Mohamed Merah, grew up in a tough banlieue, began as a small time criminal, was sent to prison and eventually emerged a hardened jihadi.

Another famous case is the one of Mehdi Nemmouche, the author of the May 2014 murder of four people in Brussels. He was also radicalized in prison, and decided to travel to Syria when he was free. He then came back to attack the Jewish museum.

In addition, Amedy Coulibaly and Chérif Kiuachi followed the similar trajectory of living in poor Muslim-majority neighborhoods, descent into criminality, prison, and radicalization.

The post Terrorist “Rehab” Shuts Down As Officials Fail To Help 1 SINGLE Jihadi appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.

Source -> http://last-cabin.xfer.tk/2017/08/terrorist-rehab-shuts-down-as-officials-fail-to-help-1-single-jihadi/
