Megyn Kelly Suffers Final Blow As NBC Director Has Enough

Megyn Kelly Suffers Final Blow As NBC Director Has Enough
NBC's Megyn Kelly in hot water as her show's ratings are much lower than expected

NBC’s Megyn Kelly in hot water as her show’s ratings are much lower than expected

Once popular Fox Network Star Megyn Kelly has had a hard time lately figuring out what Americans want to know. After her departure from Fox, she joined NBC to create a new Sunday Show for evening viewers. The program has been heavily criticized as her ratings were lower than America’s Funniest Home Videos and re-runs of 60 minutes, despite all of her fame and credibility that took years in the making at Fox. Her show was originally set to air for 10 episodes but producers were unconvinced that the show would pick up and so the program has ended with only eight episodes being completed.

Megyn Kelly was a focal point for many in the campaign of 2016 as her and Republican Nominee, and now-President, Trump have had their disagreements. Many Americans were probably frustrated with the both of them but her biased treatment towards Trump left a bad taste in many Fox viewers mouths. They battled for some time until it seemed that Trump won the war with the information that she was no longer going to be working for Fox.  

Her moderate conservatism and progressive right ideology were the makings of neo-conservative think tanks that would have had the entire country believing that the Republicans probably should not have even wasted money by putting a candidate up against Hillary.

Trump and Kelly faced off during the campaign several times, her departure from Fox shows his base had the final say

Trump and Kelly faced off during the campaign several times, her departure from Fox shows his base had the final say

Kelly recently tried to gain a bit of traction for her show by covering friction. She interviewed the independent media mogul Alex Jones of both to appease her former Fox viewers, who have taken a liking to the vocal and seemingly free-thinking independent media pundit, and to inform her new potential leftist viewers about who Alex Jones is.  

Her edited and seemingly uninteresting interview with Jones left many calling her insane for even having the man on the show or angry with her biased coverage of Jones, but ultimately the transcript for the interview was leaked online and so there was no need for anyone to actually watch the edited program live. Truly a bad gamble since she took on a man that many conservatives believe to be more truthful than anyone in Washington, Hollywood, or New York.

Kelly and Alex Jones as they prepare for their hyped interview

Kelly and Alex Jones as they prepare for their hyped interview

Many right wing strategists knew the danger that Kelly could deal as Steve Bannon suggested that Roger Ailes be careful and have a respectful distance with her. Ailes was unconvinced by his longtime friend and sought to keep Kelly around Fox even more as her popularity grew.  

Ailes should have heeded Bannon’s words more closely as it was revealed after his death that she made claims of sexual assault against him. This was unsurprising as another Fox personality had done the same thing and got a settlement from Fox even though Ailes denied it all. Furthermore, Kelly’s comments seemed entirely out of line as the once great media mogul had been praised by her before his death.

Former Fox Official Roger Ailes departed from the company as continued allegations of sexual assault began to undo his career

Former Fox Official Roger Ailes departed from the company as continued allegations of sexual assault began to undo his career

It is unclear as to why Kelly took the path she did. She was a promising and hard-hitting conservative news woman who probably could have had whatever she wanted if she had stayed true to Fox. However, her blind ambitions for the first woman president or deals made behind the scenes caused her to go up against the President of the United States and she lost.  

Her constant criticisms of the President during the campaign did her no favors as time went on to show that Trump would be the man who would lead the conservative’s ballot. Kelly had made a powerful enemy by not only betraying her base audience but also by attacking the man who simply wanted to put America first.  

To many conservatives like myself, it must be a joyous occasion to hear that Megyn Kelly’s new show has flopped so badly that it is being pulled off the air. She is also involved in NBC biggest daytime news program as a producer, writer, and sometimes as a personality but perhaps NBC producers might be thinking that her presence is poisonous as the right no longer trusts her and the left never has.  

She has a yearly contract for $20 million with NBC but so far the investment has turned out to be a bust as her Sunday evening prime time show has been cancelled due to not only poor but truly abysmal ratings.  

The post Megyn Kelly Suffers Final Blow As NBC Director Has Enough appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.

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