Man seen lying unconscious in a pool of blood but no one bothered to help at all

Man seen lying unconscious in a pool of blood but no one bothered to help at all

Amir posted this on his facebook post to create awareness.

This is what he said on his post.

At all times we must be vigilant and act according to the situation. If the situation doesn’t favour us, we adapt.

What I really mean to say is that, sometimes we as human beings prefer to use our phones and go live and post updates whether being it on fb, instagram,twitter blablaa bla…

Instead of helping the ones in need, we just stand there and use our phones. There will be a handful who will criticize me for posting this on social media, therefore I shall post a few questions to the critics. It’s social media guys, people will criticize you for everything. Before they start chewing my head off….

I shall draw out my sword. ðŸ˜Ž

” Can You Handle Seeing Blood? Do You even know how to check and count for pulse? Do you get panic easily? ”


Don’t bite off more than you can chew my dear critics.

This is my 3rd time this year calling the ambulance, checking and counting for pulses. I even had to apply the verbal describtor pain scale to a victim.

31st July 2.20am

While walking back home I saw a man lying down

unconscious. There was this couple walking pass,and they have the time to snap a pic.

so I asked them what happened..

“Aiya Bro, standard la.. Drunk..sure gone case la”

and they walked away. Like seriously walking away when there is someone lying down unconscious near you.


I straight away go to his wrist checked for pulse,checked for any other physical injuries.Thats when I noticed a pool of blood near his neck and head.

I was ready to apply cpr and aed if I have to.

Pulse and Breathing was there,

So I dialled 995.

While waiting for the ambulance to arrived, counted his pulse.His pulse was steady,He was doing OK.

What a relief.

We Singaporeans tend to panic and straight away take out our phones for the wrong reasons. We need to change that attitude and mentality. Those without first aid/cpr/Aed training should sign up for this life saving courses.You’ll never know when you need to apply it.

To those who are first aid/cpr/aed certified, do not be afraid to use and apply it in real life situations. Afterall, experience is the best teacher. Yes some of us may not have the time to sign up for this life saving courses, you dont need a certificate to know how to check/count pulses. You can always Google,Yahoo and Wikipedia and read about it during your free time. Use your phones for the right reasons during an incident or situation, not for the wrong reasons.

Last but not least, there will be a few who will just walk away from it all and act like nothing happened.

I would like to thank station 44 and ambulance PA443 and its crew for the swift response. You guys did a great job. Thank you for the assist.

H/T: Amir

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