JUST IN: Elf-Sized Doors Create Controversy As Newly-Leaked Capitol Photos Show All

JUST IN: Elf-Sized Doors Create Controversy As Newly-Leaked Capitol Photos Show All
Who or what is using the elf sized doors around DC?

Who or what is using the elf sized doors around DC?

Many of the buildings that stand as a part of the capital in Washington DC are shrouded in both mystery and rumors. There are long standing urban legends about secret passage ways, a variety of connecting subway stations for only those in the know and even supernatural visitors that include the spirits of dead presidents. There is a new mystery to be solved concerning a series of elf sized doors that are almost hidden in plain sight all over the Capital Building.

These tiny doors caught the careful eye of one reporter on a recent trip to DC, and she by instinct asked what they were for. Rebecca Rainey set out to figure out once and for all who or what was using these doors. Her first step was to document in photos the doors were all over the building. The doors seemed to have no real pattern as far as color or design but instead were made to fit in nicely with the decor of each area they were installed in.

Rainey set out to ask the masses on social media what these doors could be used for. They were far too small for even a child and were not prepared to open just by being pushed for a pet. These tiny doors had to have another use.

Social media did not disappoint as one user pointed out:

“True story: they had these doors installed for the Keebler Elf. Now that he’s not in the Senate anymore, who knows what they’ll be used for.”

Who knew the Keebler Elf was ever in the Senate? This lead turned out to be a dead end as it was confirmed by the due diligence of a team of investigators gathered by Rainey to simply not be true. The elf angle did seem to have a bit of truth though as the real reason the doors were put in was related to one fateful Christmas Eve night.

Are these doors really for a Keebler Elf?

Are these doors really for a Keebler Elf?

Were there doors for Santa’s Elves instead of the baking variety? No, that was not the case either. The events on Christmas Eve of 1851 were far less magical than a visit from gift bearing elves.

In 1851, the Capital Building was the home of the Library of Congress. This housed some unusual artifacts of American history including a vast collection of personal written works of Thomas Jefferson. Even in 1851, security was tight at the building.

Late in the evening on Christmas Eve, a fire broke out in the building. Security Guard John Jones noticed a small glowing light through a window. The fire was threatening a part of the building that contained the most valuable of the collection.

The building as it looked prior to the fire in 1861.

The building as it looked before the fire in 1861.

Jones was not given a key to the door between the fire and the main building. This was a secure part of the building, and he was merely there to walk the empty halls at night. He has to physically break down the doors to get to the fire. Once inside the doors, he realized he not only had to access to get into the library, but he also did not have any way to get to a water supply.

To fight the fire, Jones ran downstairs to get a supply of water. This wasted valuable time and the fire quickly spread. The fire engulfed the two story building and consumed two-thirds of the Thomas Jefferson collection. More than 35,000 volumes of priceless works were also lost that night.

In all seven fire companies responded to the overwhelming fire and they fought well into the next day to finally stop the blaze. During the fire investigation, Jones shared that the fire was small enough he could have quickly put it out if he had access to water anywhere close to the fire.

With the fresh sting of the loss of the Jefferson Collection, officials acted quickly to find a way to give anyone in the building emergency access to water. There were faucets installed through out the building and the Army Corps of Engineers fashioned tiny elf sized doors to hide the fixtures.

Hiding behind little doors that look as if they give access to the inner workings of the Capitol Building to the likes of elves and maybe even an occasional leprechaun, there is a series of water faucets. They are there for safety and also to give custodial workers quick access to fill mop buckets. Sadly there are no cooking baking elves involved or those that bring presents.

The post JUST IN: Elf-Sized Doors Create Controversy As Newly-Leaked Capitol Photos Show All appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.

Source -> http://last-cabin.xfer.tk/2017/08/just-in-elf-sized-doors-create-controversy-as-newly-leaked-capitol-photos-show-all/
