7 Women Arrested In South Carolina As Local Taxpayers Support Them With $20,000

7 Women Arrested In South Carolina As Local Taxpayers Support Them With $20,000
7 Women were broken into 2 Groups of 3 and 1 Individual to face their Charges of Welfare Fraud

7 Women were broken into 2 Groups of 3 and 1 Individual to face their Charges of Welfare Fraud

Seven women have been arrested for their part in a food stamp fraud scheme that has been taking place in South Carolina for over two years. The seven women were caught trading their food stamps for items that are not allowed to be purchased with food stamps as well as receiving cash back for their purchases.  

Food stamps, or their official terminology Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), is aimed to help the hungry and poor by assisting with some of the monthly purchases such as certain grocery items. These women abused a system that was designed to help the needy and less fortunate so that they could get cigarettes, beer, or cash.

The Quick Stop that was used for 2 years to steal almost $5 Million in Food Stamps

The Quick Stop that was used for 2 years to steal almost $5 Million in Food Stamps

The women; Kimberly Johnson, 28, $2,195 in fraud; Victoria Sanders, 25, $2,234; Dequitta White, 31, $3,070; Jatonica Williams, 31, $5,238; Brooke Rogers, 27, $2,134; Shenisa Davis, 36, $2,549; and Labrecia White, 24, $2,962, have all plead guilty to their misdemeanor crimes so that a heftier felony crime is not attached for pleading not-guilty. They face 30 days in prison as well as two years of probation if all of the money is not returned by the end of the year. However, the store owners who actually processed the payments, handed cash back, and accepted food stamps money for cigarettes, beer, and hot food face much harsher and incriminating charges.

The three store owners Li Fang Phu, Hoang Nguyen, and Dianne Phu have all been arrested and plead guilty on felony charges of fraud. This scheme was taking place over the course of two years as these store owners made off with millions of dollars in taxpayer benefits as they took the food stamps in payment for items that were not approved.  

The women would purchase non-approved items, receive cash back, and be on their way as the store owners gave them money for less than the value of the food stamps, which they would later use to fill their store or pantries at home. The government was giving people money that they would trade for less than the same amount for cash so they could make whatever purchases they wanted to such as for drugs or other black market items.

The Women face Misdemeanor Charges of Fraud and have plead guilty to their crimes

The Women face Misdemeanor Charges of Fraud and have plead guilty to their crimes

The three store owners have been told that their cooperation would yield a less harsh punishment and so the owners have been identifying all of the people who have abused the system. That is how the recent group of seven women have been investigated and arrested and they too are cooperating by admitting to their crimes and not wasting anymore of the tax dollars.  

It is a shame because I am sure these women had to a tremendous amount of research and work to qualify for the SNAP benefits they received, unless like many other bureaucratic offices in the United States they were assisted by corrupt employees who navigated them through the paperwork and questions to qualify. 

This type of corruption and treacherous action is despicable not only because it takes money away from the program that is needed by so many, these women would use the money granted to them to give themselves luxuries or help them with their other bills. If someone is supposed to use money given to them to buy food and they use it for beer or drugs than that should anger the one giving them the money because they lied about why they needed the money. Liberals and scammers would have you believe that no one on the program should be questioned about their purchases, but then again liberals and leftists usually want prying eyes to avoid their finances.

If a “Welfare King/Queen” qualifies for financial help with their food, house, cell phone, and tax breaks and they have a part time job then the money that they receive in their paycheck more than covers the rest of their costs for luxuries since their basics have been covered. The average American has to make the money for their average basic costs as well as having money taken out, then maybe they will have a chance to purchase a small luxury.  

The balance is unsettling as many are finding that the social state the government has created has made it substantially better for those on welfare than those who are not. The original goal for any welfare office did not use to be to see how many they could get qualified for benefits, but how many received them and no longer needed the program.

Carts of Food left behind as EBT cardholders found their cards were no longer working, note the contents as well the amounts

Carts of Food left behind as EBT cardholders found their cards were no longer working, note the contents as well the amounts

These cases of welfare fraud is extremely prevalent right now both domestically and internationally as states have even found the need to hire full time state attorney’s to investigate and then prosecute those committing acts of welfare fraud. The creation of the social state in which the taxpayer must take care of anyone who qualifies for help is an idea that would be nice in a perfect world.  

The idea is to help people in need with money from everyone else, it truly is an exceptional idea that might work in small and extreme cases but the rubber stamping of qualifying for benefits, the abuse of the benefits, and the lack of departure from the program have led many conservatives to not only question the validity and purpose of the program, but whether or not its job has failed. It does not help people back onto their feet, but rather give them another way to survive by using taxpayer dollars to supply their wants and needs.  

The post 7 Women Arrested In South Carolina As Local Taxpayers Support Them With $20,000 appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.

Source -> http://last-cabin.xfer.tk/2017/08/7-women-arrested-in-south-carolina-as-local-taxpayers-support-them-with-20000/
