A list of some of the work ex-MOS Teo Ser Luck did for an estimated total salary of $14 million

A list of some of the work ex-MOS Teo Ser Luck did for an estimated total salary of $14 million PM Lee announced the retirement of Teo Ser Luck from office on Thu (27 Apr). In the announcement, he highlighted Teo’s achievements for the past 11 years as politician: http://www.pmo.gov.sg/newsroom/changes-cabinet-and-other-appointments-0 At MOM and MTI, he, * Promoted SMEs * Developed their capabilities (didn’t say how) * Set up SME Centres * Led the Lean Enterprise Development […] Source -> http://last-cabin.xfer.tk/2017/04/a-list-of-some-of-the-work-ex-mos-teo-ser-luck-did-for-an-estimated-total-salary-of-14-million/
