Lt. Dave Wilson interviewed the mother and said she admits she messed up.
Parenting is not an easy job, and there are definitely days that are better than others, but in the case of two mothers, they will be living with their poor anger management, and decision making skills, for a long time.
Days ago, police in Eureka, Missouri were forced to arrest a mother who did not show an ability to handle a somewhat murky situation involving her 9-year-old daughter and the neighbors kids, who are also 9-years-old.
The situation began when the mothers daughter came home from spending a night at the neighbors apartment, with their daughter the same age. According to the report, the neighbors son, also 9, entered the room where the girls were sleeping and pulled her hair. When happened afterwards is a he said, she said of 9-year-olds. The daughter claims she “was touched inappropriately”, while the little boy told police that he accidentally hit her in the chest.

The apartment complex where the mother assaulted the 9 year old who had an altercation with her daughter.
There are no reports the mother attempted to verify the validity of her childs recollections of the event. Her 9-year-old child that was likely startled awake may not have been accurate in her describing this all to her mother.
Instaed of this being resolved by the adults, and the little boy being talked to, or punished, by his parents, if need be, the mother of the little girl handled matters herself. The response was poorly thought out, and not parental in any way.
When the little boy showed up the next day at the neighbors home, looking for his sister, instead of having a talk with the boy, the woman pulled the little boy into her home, pinned him down and shaved his head. If this was not frightening enough for the kid, who likely did not know the reason why this was happening to him, Police Lt. Dave Wilson says the woman then proceeded to write “pervert” on his forehead with a felt tip pen.

When the boy who allegedly touched her daughter showed up the next day, the mother dragged him inside and shaved his head. She also wrote “pervert” on his head afterwards.
The mother could face assault charges on a minor, but luckily, the situation did not escalate much more once the boys discovered what had happened to their son. Lt. Wilson commented on the mothers state once he spoke with her, “She certainly admitted to the accusations and obviously regrets her decision.”
Other parents were equally shocked and angry with the 34-year-old mother taking matters into her own hands, especially considering how she handled it.
“She just distinctively went into beast mode, you know? She should have got the other kids parents involved,” Bill Constantin told reporters.
Another neighbor Marilyn Clark was quoted as saying, “Gosh, I can’t believe that she would do that. That is just terrible.”
Shockingly poor decision making, 24 hours after the claimed assault has not only landed this mother before a St. Louis County judge, but it has also gotten the juvenile courts involved. This looks like another gross overreaction by a supposed adult. 9-year-olds facing judges over hair pulling is beyond logical.
Is there an adult to pull aside the little boy, talk to him, talk to the little girl, get them to make up and everyone move on? Everyone besides the mother who assaulted a child, that is.

Parents are making poor choices, and not acting like adults.
This is part of a very disturbing trend of adults behaving very poorly, often showing judgment worse than their children.
In another case of bad parenting, a few months ago the police responded to a 911 phone call from a grandmother very upset about how her daughter was treating her children. When the police arrived to work out details and calm everyone down, the little boy’s grandmother told a Spartanburg, South Carolina Police officer that she saw her daughter, Shontrell Murphy, strike her grandson three times in the head.
When questioned about why her daughter would treat her kids in such a vile manner, the grandmother’s best explanation was “because she could,” according to the report on file.
When he was asked about the situation, the boy told the police, and nurses, that he was hit at least five times. According to Fox Carolina’s WBRC, the boy, and his sister, also told police they were very afraid of their mother. The kids expressed living in fear of when their mother would get angry with them and hitting them again.
The boys sister told the police that she thinks her mother got mad because her gave his grandmother a card, and did not give her one. Maybe the little boy only wanted to buy a card for the person in his life who was not constantly assaulting him.

Shontrell Murphy supposedly hit her 6 year old son because he got her mother a card, but did not get her a card.
Police questioned the mother, Ms. Murphy, about her actions, seeking some explanation for why she would strike her son over something so trivial. According to the police, Murphy does not deny hitting her son, but does refute the claims that she hit the boy “hard or in a violent manner,” per WYFF. Murphy argued that she struck her son because of discipline issues related to his behavior at school.
No matter her claims that she did nothing wrong, Murphy was arrested, and was held for some time at the Spartanburg County Detention Center. As of this moment, there has been no resolution on this case,
Whether it be hitting a child in the head, teaching your young child about lewd sex acts, a homeless mother finding it acceptable to raise their child on the street or pinning down, or assaulting and writing “pervert” on the forehead of a child, these are not the actions of mentally capable adults, no less parents.
We all know parenting is tough, but the actions of these two ladies are reprehensible and over the top. Adults are asked to use their brains, their words and reason, yet in every opportunity, both failed.
Hopefully these kids will not have any lasting effects from their actions, before this becomes a cycle of poor parenting.
The post Son Comes Home Shaven, Disgraced As Neighbor’s Mother LOSES It At Sleepover appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.
Source -> http://last-cabin.xfer.tk/2017/08/son-comes-home-shaven-disgraced-as-neighbors-mother-loses-it-at-sleepover/
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