Chick-Fil-A Turns To Chaos As 2 Women Show Up To Carry Out Vile Attack

Chick-Fil-A Turns To Chaos As 2 Women Show Up To Carry Out Vile Attack
Two Florida Women Trashed a Chick Fil A after an argument

Two Florida Women Trashed a Chick Fil A after an Argument with Management

Customers of a Chick Fil A in Jacksonville, Florida were treated to dinner and show as the interaction that unfolded before their eyes was a spectacle to say the very least. A Facebook user uploaded a post as well as several videos describing and capturing the vicious and uncalled for attacks.  

The user claimed that a black man had entered the Chick Fil A and proceeded to argue with the managers and employees for about 15 to 20 minutes. The man was complaining loudly about his food and service which were a distraction to the other customers who were enjoying their meals. The manager realized the spectacle that was taking place and proceeded to just give the man a refund. However, what happened next is what made the customers nervous.

After the man had been escorted from the Chick Fil A and the doors were locked behind him, two women who identified themselves as the man’s sisters wanted a piece of the action.  

Witness reports said that the women started slamming on the glass doors outside, demanding to be let in and it was after several minutes of awkward screaming and pounding that they were finally given access to the restaurant. They marched straight up to the counter and started yelling at cashiers and those working behind the counter. Their rambling arguments left the employees stunned as they could only pass the problems off to their manager.

The Iconic Chicken Sandwich Restaurant has been a Beacon of Customer Service and Cleanliness for Years

The Iconic Chicken Sandwich Restaurant has been a Beacon of Customer Service and Cleanliness for Years

This kind of lewd and reprehensible behavior shows the lack of respect for decent establishments that many in this country have. I grew up in Georgia and eating Chick Fil A is a dietary staple down here, this involves eating in a clean and family friendly environment and behaving like an adult. These two big children were upset that their brother ordered food and did not get a refund, even though the manager gave the man a refund in cash.  

Their tempter tantrum prevented any reasonable and logical thought from taking place and it was only after they calmed down and listened that they understood what happened. Their brother probably told them he did not get a refund so he would not have to share it and this angered the women who were for some reason mad at Chick Fil A.  

However, when it was clear that their brother did receive a refund they proceeded to trash the Chick Fil A anyways, probably due to their own embarrassment from acting like children when it reality their brother who had lied to them.

The vandal and the mess caused by the women can be seen here as well as another patron giving them a piece of her mind

The vandal and the mess caused by the women can be seen here as well as another patron giving them a piece of her mind

Children in the family establishment were heard crying as the two women threw napkins, straws, utensils, and condiments all over the restaurant. Rather than confronting their brother and taking their anger somewhere else, they thought in the present and took their anger out on the employees of Chick Fil A.  

For some reason, these two women believed that the employees of the restaurant and the patrons eating there were more to blame than their lying and thieving brother and so they proceeded to cause a massive disruption and ruin the meals that people came to eat.  

It is not enough to ban these people as disrupting the peace and affecting the business operations should be finable offenses.  I feel sorry for the employees who had to clean up the mess these monsters made, especially since their tax dollars will be wasted on education funding that clearly goes to waste. How could anyone who has been raised on American education standards believe that this is acceptable behavior for adults in restaurants surrounded by children?  

These women clearly have no morals as the consequences of their actions are unrealized as they act like fools by screaming and throwing things because they have not gotten their way. Morals prevent someone from doing something heinous against someone else as they not only believe that the heinous action is wrong, but they actually cause people to think through their actions. These women acted so aggressively and ill mannered so quickly shows that rage and ignorance that must surround their lives.

Luckily, those who value Chick Fil A and sympathize with the employees lent a hand in cleaning up the mess

Luckily, those who value Chick Fil A and sympathize with the employees lent a hand in cleaning up the mess

These women had no care for the people who were working and making their food as do many liberals who criticize the private business’ beliefs. They did not care if the restaurant lost business for their actions and they especially did not empathize with those who were working as they made their shift a living nightmare.  

Luckily, like most Chick Fil A patrons, a few customers had something to say about the actions of the women and even proceeded to help the employees straighten up the mess. A lack of morals and perception of others caused this problem to escalate much further than need be, which is not surprising because the left loves to attack the morals of this restaurant, but thankfully morals were able to fix the problem as upstanding patrons helped the employees. The actions and damage done by the women can be seen in the video below.

The post Chick-Fil-A Turns To Chaos As 2 Women Show Up To Carry Out Vile Attack appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.

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