Duterte Hopes to Impress Congress as He Requests Funding for 20,000 New Troops
Filipino President Duterte has requested a hearing with Congress about additional funding for the military. Duterte has met with Senators and House Representative to discuss the latest intelligence reports that suggests that the militant Islamic forces in the Philippines are going to be attacking three more cities. Duterte hopes to get the additional funding needed to ensure that he can train and equip up to 20,000 more soldiers.

Filipino President Duterte has requested an audience with Congress to grant additional funding to fighting radical Islamists
Senator Sotto has discussed the situation with Duterte and would like for him to address Congress to ask for the funding. This funding is crucial as radical Islamists have been threatening his country and also blatantly attacking civilians and soldiers in open conflict.
Duterte has responded to these attacks with artillery fire as well as ground forces to seize areas and territories from the Islamic rebels. This is not only an open war for Islamic control over Filipino territory, but an ideological battle that has international funders helping these rebels attack and seize areas of the Philippines.
On May 23rd, 2017, Islamic rebels attacked Marawi, a city in the southern Philippines. This attack came without warning as rebels began seizing government buildings and killing civilians. Duterte put the country under martial law and has vowed to wipe the rebels out as artillery fire rains down onto the crumbling city.
These rebels seemed to have regretted their decisions as they are holed up in a small commercial area of the city but they continue to hold onto about 100 hostages, but their networks are looking to expand. These rebels are foreign funded agents with their own agendas that want to subvert Filipino sovereignty.

Duterte’s hard stance on drug traffickers and users has many Filipinos either loving or hating him
Duterte has proven himself to be a strong leader to say the least. His vow to eradicate the illegal drug trafficking in the Philippines has many critics comparing him to Hitler, but nowadays its seem that anyone who values morals and national sovereignty is just a tyrannical genocidal maniac.
His criticisms of other countries creates tensions as well as his statements regarding Obama, EU Officials, and even the Pope has sparked a lot of controversy but to his supporters that is why they elected him. He is no fan of fakes and it seems that his criticisms are aimed at those who would scold him in public to make him seem illegitimate or small.
Duterte has had a rough background in politics as his start began as a mayor for the crumbling city of Davao City, the largest city by land mass in the country. This city was so corrupt and broken that it was formerly nicknamed the “Nicaragua of Asia” due to the lawlessness and drug trading.
The city was filled with Muslim extremists, communists, government army members, and others who ran the city like a war zone between the factions. Duterte stepped up to the plate and made the city incredibly safe as he cleaned up the streets, defeated the Muslims and Communists from gaining more power, and reduced the amount of drug money funneling through the city.

The fighting taking place in Marawi has been on-going for two months. Imagine if parts of Louisiana or Detroit had open conflict between Islamists and Government Forces
The people of the Philippines voted for the man who brought justice to the wild west of the country. It was a den of thieves and rapists and the man fought them head on and won. He instilled a “911” program in the city and created funds to start a police force to help. With international help, he managed to have CCTV installed across the city so that the police could actually keep an eye on crime and manage to catch and prosecute criminals.
Duterte has expressed his genuine emotions towards the United States under former President Obama but now asks the Trump Administration for help. Trump has stated his desire to learn more about the situation in the Philippines regarding the literal Muslim invasion taking place and wants to see Congress grant the funding to Duterte.
If this world was just and the United Nations did what it was supposed to then Duterte would not have to ask for additional funding from the United States. The United Nations should see this attack on a sovereign nation as an attack on sovereignty itself. If terrorists attacked Venezuela or some other broken socialist or communist nation then the UN would grant an emergency meeting to deploy peacekeepers to stop the attackers, but for some reason because the Philippines is a sovereign and diplomatic nation and this is somehow only their problem.
Duterte has every right to use every necessary force to stop the Muslim invasion, he needs to give the terrorists one last chance to abandon their weapons and leave for the Middle East where their religion is not only tolerated but dominant. This idea that Islam must be accepted everywhere needs to stop and it needs be stopped especially now in the Philippines.
The post BREAKING: Philippines President Opens Comm. Line With Trump, Calling For 20,000 Troops appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.
Source -> http://last-cabin.xfer.tk/2017/08/breaking-philippines-president-opens-comm-line-with-trump-calling-for-20000-troops/
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