Yesterday, Press Secretary Sanders read a letter written to President Trump asking if the 10-year-old entrepreneur could mow the lawn of the White House.
In the first six months of Donald Trump’s presidency, the new administration has done more to help legal Americans than the last four leaders combined. Despite the fake news about Russia, the disgusting back-stabbing and duplicity of republican congress members, and the murderous attacks against all decent politicians, President Trump is a boss. He’s running the country better than it has been run for decades.
American’s needed a professional in the White House. Someone who understands business and the values that established the United States as a land of freedom and opportunity for people who want to embrace the society of liberty and justice.
President Trump is keeping his word to Make America Great Again. The latest example of his intelligent command of the country involves the support of a young entrepreneur.
In yesterday’s press briefing from the White House, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, continued her new tradition of reading a letter that was written to President Trump from the children in America. The epistle from “Frank,” explained that the 10-year-old was a budding businessman. Although he had turned 11 by the time the letter was read, the heartwarming story and response is making headlines.

Sanders read the letter and issued the president’s response amid warmhearted chuckles and smiles.
Writing that he admired the president’s business background, young Frank explained that he had started his own lawn-mowing business.
He said that he had been mowing his neighbor’s lawns in the nearby town of Falls Church, Virginia, and told the president that it would be his “honor to mow the White House lawn” one weekend. He wrote that he wanted to “show the nation what young people” like him “are ready for.”
The boy then described the equipment he had available and offered to bring extra fuel and batteries for his weed whacker, explaining that he would mow the lawn for no charge. He listed the services he offers and wrote that the president was free “to pick whatever” he wanted from “power mower, push mower, and weed whacker.”

The White House is situated on 18 acres that are managed by a head groundskeeper. Trump has invited “Frank” to come visit and learn.
Sanders explained that Frank had attached a flyer for his lawn-mowing business. She told media personnel that President Trump said that Frank was “doing a great job,” and that he should “keep working hard.”
.@SHSanders45: "It is our duty to keep the American dream alive for kids like Frank." pic.twitter.com/kaUMlgHn75
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) August 2, 2017
The president also asked Sanders to wish Frank a happy birthday, and invited him to spend a morning at the White House hanging out with the groundskeeper to learn how they manage and maintain the 18 acre property. Trump also said that the young entrepreneur could come and cut the grass in the Rose Garden.
Surprisingly, no leftist news site has yet screamed child labor violations because of the president’s response. In fact, it’s entirely possible that if Frank had written the letter last year, the IRS would have been confiscating his earnings and liberals would be claiming abuse.
Under the previous administrations and with the help of leftist media outlets, the criminal, calculated efforts to destroy the peace of law-abiding citizens gained ground at a record pace. Muslim immigration skyrocketed under Obama’s rule. The “refugees” he allowed in were the result of deliberately idiotic State Department actions.
Despite the fact that America is a Christian nation, he prevented Christians from seeking exile here and purposely imported jihadists who are intent on enacting sharia in the U.S.

So far, President Trump is unlike any other in the manner that he has kept his campaign promised to the American people. He told Frank that the boy could mow the Rose Garden.
Sanders addressed that very problem after reading Frank’s letter and reporting the president’s remarks. She said that’s it’s the job of this administration to support “immigrants who are already here, and those who dream of immigrating here in the future.”
In fact, Sanders has been doing a masterful job at controlling the mob of fake news reporters over the last few days and weeks. She won’t suffer fools and is adding a strong presence to the White House. Many conservatives wonder why feminists aren’t happy that Sanders is holding such a position.
She’s only the third woman press secretary is history. Why aren’t they celebrating? Probably for the same reason they don’t champion Condoleezza Rice, who has had an exceptional political career. Successful women who aren’t liberal maniacs aren’t part of their club of bashers. However, Sanders is holding her own and beating the pants off the propagandists.
She was happy to report Frank’s letter and President Trump’s response. Frank is “someone who embodies the enterprising and ambitious spirit of America,” she said. And, she’s right. He’s already getting a head start by being able to boast a White House job.
Sanders added, “it’s our responsibility to keep the American dream alive for kids like Frank.”
The post 10-Year-Old Sends Trump A Letter About The White House Lawn, & His Response Is Just Perfect appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.
Source -> http://last-cabin.xfer.tk/2017/08/10-year-old-sends-trump-a-letter-about-the-white-house-lawn-his-response-is-just-perfect/
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