Crystal Cheatham is the brains behind a new Bible app designed for the LBGTQ community.
In an effort to deny the masculinity of God, Crystal Cheatham is introducing the Our Bible app that is specifically designed for homosexual believers. The app is slated to be released this fall. Saying that the new app will bring God’s Holy writ “back to the roots,” Cheatham intends to “untangle the binds that Christian colonizers have spread across the globe over hundreds of years.”
When being told at age 23 that she couldn’t participate in Seventh-Day Adventist singing because of her sexual orientation, she said she was “crushed.” So, the Andrews University graduate became an activist and writer. The beta version of the LGBTQ-friendly Bible app will be released at the end of the month.
There is nothing wrong with supporting someone’s belief in God. However, critics are angered by Cheatham’s decision to use an alternate version of the Word so that God is referred to in “neutral terms.”

The gender-free Bible app will include ways to chat and perform “social justice” acts.
Much like the “colonizers” she deplores, she will only include modified translations of the ancient Hebrew and Greek scriptures to fulfill her own ends. Apparently, she feels that God didn’t know what He was talking about when He inspired His Word or referred to Himself in the masculine form. Likewise, the idea of a benevolent Father is repulsive to some members of the LGBTQ community.
This isn’t the first time activists from the very small minority of LGBTQ citizens has tried to rewrite the Bible. The gay community of Atlanta’s Out Front Theater Company recently ran a play that modified several Bible stories. The company focuses on LGBTQ themes. “The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told” included the precept of “What if it really was Adam and Steve?” which touched off a storm of controversy in the Catholic Church.

The editor in chief of the Our Bible app is an agnostic.
The group America Needs Fatima called the show “a vile insult to the Mother of God,” because it displayed her as a lesbian.
Cheatham believes that her new app will appeal to the LGBT adults who see major religions as “unfriendly.” In 2013, Pew Research Center surveyed 1200 adults identifying as LGBT. It found that 79 percent thought the Catholic Church was unfriendly, and 73 percent said Evangelical churches were hostile to their lifestyle.
Possibly those groups are citing Biblical references that clearly delineate gender. “He created them male and female and blessed them.” Genesis 5:2. The verse unmistakably identifies the gender of the Creator and His design. In fact, all of creation had its mate. The “helper” God fashioned for Adam was a woman.
He did not create man and man, nor two women to inhabit the paradise He formed.

All of the versions included in the app deny the masculinity of God.
The developers of Our Bible don’t see it that way. Eliel Cruz, a bisexual Christian activist is a writer and the director of communications for the new app. He said, “A lot of times, religious spaces and spiritual resources exclude us from the narrative and exclude us in the content, or their content is actively hostile.”
However, new studies show that more and more Christians accept LGBTQ members in the church. They understand that everyone sins, and no one act is greater in God’s sight than another.
Yet, the Bible specifically details the type of behavior that Christians should avoid. When reading the Word of God, James says it is like a mirror that reflects the inner man. A Christian who is practicing sin will feel uncomfortable when he or she encounters Truth. Fortunately for gay activists, the new, gender-free Bible app will remove all the guilt engendered by the undiluted Word of God. It will feature 20 versions of scripture and more than 300 devotional readings, meditation exercise, and podcasts for LGBTQ Christians who feel marginalized by mainstream religion.
Cheatham and her crew are hoping to attract the less than four percent of people in the U.S. who identify as LGBT. She organized fundraisers last year to help the production of the app. Interestingly, the editor in chief, Sophia Olkhova, is an agnostic
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with teaching the true message of Christianity, which is love and acceptance. However, critics explain that issues are created when any one doctrine is used to alter texts that have remained pure for thousands of years.
Our Bible will include chat connections and also explain how “social justice” is an act of worship. With all the additional features, it seems less like an instrument for worship and more like a tool for spreading activism.
The post New Bible App Created By Lesbian, But Every Passage Missing One Important Detail appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.
Source -> http://last-cabin.xfer.tk/2017/06/new-bible-app-created-by-lesbian-but-every-passage-missing-one-important-detail/
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