David Eubank risked his life to save a little girl he could see among the pile of dead bodies in Mosul.
“If I die doing this, my wife and kids would understand.” Those are the words of David Eubank, former U.S. Army Special Forces, and Ranger officer, who founded Free Burma Rangers. Eubank and his team risk their lives all the time to help the innocent victims in the Middle East conflicts.
As the name implies, their group works mainly in Burma. However, the latest video of their heroics comes out of Mosul. The large city in Iraq has been mostly under ISIS control for some time now. Approximately 600,000 people live in fear of the constant barrage and terror. Many have decided to leave.
Eubank and his team had been called into a part of the city that was under intense siege. Amongst all the death, the group found some life. “We saw these 13 bodies and then we saw movement.”

A picture taken by Eubank of the scene in Mosul the day of his amazing rescue.
Eubank describes the scene;
“ISIS fire was intense as we approached the huddled group of three survivors. They were in and amongst over 50 dead bodies spread out along the street – dead babies, mothers, and people of every age – and had been like this for two days in the blazing sun and ISIS shooting.”
The team quickly forms a plan “We prayed and talked with Iraqi forces about how to do a rescue,” Eubank said. “We prayed more and called our American military friends.” The video shows as Eubanks dashes out from behind the tank they are using as cover wearing only a bulletproof vest and a helmet. “The Americans sent it right on target, helping to obscure us as the tank fired its main gun and machine gun back at ISIS. I prayed on when to make the dash from behind the tank to the people.”
He could see the child amidst the dead but she was understandably terrified to move, “I saw a little girl come out from under her dead mother’s hijab and we called to her…She was screaming, unwilling to let her mother go.”
The brave man couldn’t leave her naturally. He called the American forces for more smoke. “The Americans sent it right away again. I prayed and felt now or never and that if I died my family would understand that it was to save a little girl. I ran as fast as I could, snatched up the little girl from her mother and the pile of dead bodies, and made it back to the tank. ISIS was shooting all the time but so was the Iraqi tank.”
Thank you for the thoughts and prayers! I'm okay! More info over at @FreeBurmaRangrs on Facebook. May God bless you all! pic.twitter.com/dItzjEw5ox
— David Eubank (@DaveEubankFBR) May 20, 2017
He speaks so humbly of the rescue. The article goes on to describe some of the other lives that were saved that day. Even the video does not do justice to the courage and bravery of all involved. The group’s website is full of examples like this where personal safety is cast aside to try and save a stranger.
Eubanks gives the credit to many others but rarely to himself. “We thank God for American and Iraqi forces. A miracle, and I thank Jesus. Thank you for praying.”
The post Former Special Forces Member Goes Into Mosul Gunfire, Called A Hero After Who He Saved appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.
Source -> http://last-cabin.xfer.tk/2017/06/former-special-forces-member-goes-into-mosul-gunfire-called-a-hero-after-who-he-saved/
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