Dude found a wedding ring with “Leticia” name on it. Tag your leticia friends!

Dude found a wedding ring with “Leticia” name on it. Tag your leticia friends!

Roy post this photo on his social media account asking if anyone lost their ring with “Leticia” name on it.

This is what he said

I found this ring in Singapore. It looks like a wedding ring and it has the name Leticia in it with a date.

It could be from a person that still lives in Singapore or used to live in Singapore.

Lets see if social media can do wonders and get the ring back to Sméagol.

Please share.

Of course, that didn’t stop netizens from commenting.

And the best comment goes out to

H/T: Roy

The post Dude found a wedding ring with “Leticia” name on it. Tag your leticia friends! appeared first on The Local Society.

Source -> http://last-cabin.xfer.tk/2017/06/dude-found-a-wedding-ring-with-leticia-name-on-it-tag-your-leticia-friends/
