The Bonner- Bianchi family is the latest case of a court allowing 3 parents for 1 child.
Courts and legislatures in at least a dozen states have declared that children can have three parents. This is an odd arrangement commonly known as “tri-parenting,” where any couple (including gay ones) can raise a child with someone who seeks to remain in a paternal arrangement after DNA reveals someone else fathered the child he’s raising.
While many people believe this is a rare situation, the truth is that these cases have appeared legally in states from Florida to Alaska. Naturally, we’re talking about a very controversial issue considering that while some advocates say legal recognition shows the realities of some families, others have raised qualms that more than two parents could create a lot of conflict for the child.
The latest example of this kind of case is the Bonner-Bianchi family in California. Madison is the daughter, Mark Shunmay the dad, Kimberli Bonner the mom, and Victoria Bianchi the “Mama.” In this particular case, the women decided to have a child together and approached a male friend. They all share time with Madison and have input on raising her.

Some experts believe that this kind of family could be problematic for the child.
Victoria Bianchi legally became her daughter’s parent only this fall, after persuading courts and legislatures to give her the legal recognition. The case was based on a 2013 California law which declares that a child can have more than two parents.
Courts in 12 states have designated third parents in recent years, despite the concerns experts have raised about this particular issue. The states are New York, Maine, California, Alaska, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington State, Florida, Louisiana, and Delaware.
In New York, a three-part intimate relationship among a husband, his wife, and a female neighbor eventually led to the state’s first known “tri-custody” ruling, which was released this past March. The husband and wife are raising a child that the neighbor gave birth to.
In Maine, lawmakers decided two years ago to empower courts to find that a child can have more than two parents. Passing over Republican Gov. Paul LePage’s veto, this law took effect last July.
California’s case is quite interesting. The law in 2013 came about after a troubled lesbian couple’s baby girl ended up in foster care and her biological father lost a bid to be declared the third parent as he sought for custody.

In Maine, lawmakers decided two years ago to empower courts to allow a child to have more than two parents.
The question becomes, where does this controversial allowance end? Is three parents enough, four, a whole town?
In New Jersey, a 2015 ruling on “tri-parenting” involved a man, his wife, and another man who’d been her best friend since college. They had a child together but the relationship soured. A judge eventually gave custody of their daughter to all of them.
In North Dakota, the highest court of the state ruled in 2010 on the case of a man who raised a little boy as his son for almost seven years before knowing that another man had fathered him. With both biological parents in the boy’s life, the North Dakota Supreme Court granted the man rights including visitation and even invitations to school events. A similar case happened in Washington State three years later.

While courts and legislatures in a dozen states have declared that children can have three parents, it could expand to others in less time than expected.
Pennsylvania was a controversial case. The state appeals court decided in 2007 that a man who fathered children for a lesbian couple had to contribute to the child support after their relationship broke up. Eventually, the court ruled that he was an indispensable party when he became a good and responsible father figure for the children. Now those children have three parents.
A similar case happened in Florida back in 2013, when a judge agreed to put three parents’ names on a little girl’s birth certificate. While some Oregon judges have approved third-parent adoptions in recent years, Delaware courts have also recognized three legal parents in some families.
DAYS OF LOT: More courts allowing 3 parents of 1 child – https://t.co/NDOT8w4DVR
— End Time Headlines (@EndTimeHeadline) June 19, 2017
While this remains a controversial issue, lawmakers believe it could expand rapidly to other states. Apparently, the next place could be Washington D.C. since an April law that allows surrogate pregnancies doesn’t mention anything about the number of parents who can contract with a surrogate.
The post 3-Way Parenting Becomes New Dem Obsession As California Court Makes It Official appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.
Source -> http://last-cabin.xfer.tk/2017/06/3-way-parenting-becomes-new-dem-obsession-as-california-court-makes-it-official/
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