Students at Virginia Tech University organized a demonstration protesting a temporary staircase. The stairs are not handicap-friendly, requiring disabled to students to take a route that’s three minutes longer.
Students at Virginia Tech University who apparently had nothing better to do organized a “sit out” demonstration in protest of a temporary staircase.
The offending staircase in question was erected to allow students access to the upper area of a dormitory during ongoing construction. To ensure that they remained compliant with the Americans With Disabilities Act, the school created an alternate path for students unable to use the staircase. The alternate route is about three minutes slower than taking the stairs.
Liberal students claim to be outraged over the inconvenience. Apparently, it’s horrendous if everyone’s path isn’t exactly the same. The purpose of the students’ protests, which saw them blocking the staircase to the dorm, was to force everyone who wanted to go upstairs to use the alternate route.
Of course, no one actually seemed to care about the three minutes they supposedly lost from their lives. Millennials are so desperate to be part of a movement that they’re willing to champion anything.

American students have grown demanding. Campuses across the country have become hotbeds of liberal activism.
“We want people to ask themselves what happens when you can’t use the stairs,” said Martina Svyantek, a graduate student who’s a co-chair of the Disability and Alliance caucus. “I want people to start thinking about access.”
People already think about access, which is why a wheelchair accessible entrance was created. People don’t have a moral right not to be inconvenienced. People with long legs can walk up the stairs faster than people with short ones. The “access” that matters is access to the room.
“If I get tenure, I’ll spend decades walking around every building on this campus,” said Ashley Shew, a professor of science and technology in society at Virginia Tech and co-founder of the Disability and Alliance caucus. Shew is an amputee who suffers from hearing loss.
“You feel like a second class citizen when you have to take the long way.”

College students have been particularly disrespectful to President Trump. Many are still crying over Hillary Clinton’s defeat. Many Millennials seem to like championing pointless causes.
Protests are becoming increasingly meaningless. People are willing to rush out chanting and clutching posters at the drop of a hat. Was anyone actually inconvenienced by the staircase? It seems like the students are assuming that the extra three minutes that alternate route takes are somehow detrimental to disabled students’ well-being.
The Blaze reports that: “Some students were not satisfied with the arrangement and showed their disdain by barricading the new set of stairs in what they called a ‘sit out.’ The protesters would not let anyone walk up the 20-step staircase, holding up signs, some of which read, ‘Stairs not accessible, stairs not acceptable’ and ‘Invent a future that includes disabled people.’”
The students’ manufactured outrage belittles the real problems faced by disabled people. Virginia Tech did nothing wrong. Students even admit that it would have been impractical to build a ramp on the controversial staircase.

Entitled college students often ignore their own privilege. A student who attends Virginia Tech University is an incredibly lucky human being. Students aren’t facing discrimination if they have to take a route that’s three minutes longer than the one they were used to.
“In the specific location where the sit out event occurred Thursday, though, construction of a ramp would’ve been difficult…The new set of stairs is on too steep of an incline for a ramp and it would’ve been impossible to change the grade of the hill because of utility lines and steam tunnels that are under the ground in that area,” the Times reported.
The left’s protests often have little to do with common sense, however. As long as they can sniff out something that could be misconstrued as discrimination they’re happy. Next week the students’ probably will have forgotten about the staircase and moved on to a new imaginary issue.
College is supposed to be about learning who you are and becoming a more mature person. Dabbling in pointless activism, however, doesn’t achieve that goal. Students should find better things to fight over than a staircase.
The post Staircase Targeted, Protested Because It Discriminates Against Handicapped appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.
Source -> http://last-cabin.xfer.tk/2017/06/staircase-targeted-protested-because-it-discriminates-against-handicapped-2/
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