Picture Credit:http://americanassembly.org
I came to Singapore when I was 6. When people are capable of forming simple sentences like “I ate an apple in the morning” easily, I was struggling to write the alphabet “M”. However, after much effort being put into integration, most people can’t tell that I’m from China now. However, I have no qualms about telling people that I was from China because that’s the fact.
And the PRC accent? I find it funny, and most PRC friends I have finds it funny too. We watched Lulu the movie and we had such a great laugh at the chinglish cuz that was us when we were FOB. Here’s the thing, if you don’t have an inferiority complex about your own lineage, you wouldn’t indulge in victimhood because why would someone voluntarily want to be a victim right? As someone from PRC, I don’t see a need to “defend” anything and thus displaying my loud insecurities.
Lastly, stereotypes are usually funny cuz they’re true. Most PRC speaks chinglish, most south Indians are black, most Indians from India speaks with an Indian accent. It would not be funny if the stereotype doesn’t make u go like “omg that’s so ___” am I right?
Oh oh and also, racial jokes appeals to some and not others. If it makes me laugh, it’s funny to me. You literally can’t tell me that “it’s not funny” lmao
Source -> http://last-cabin.xfer.tk/2017/06/prc-dont-see-the-need-to-defend-anything-against-stereotype-as-that-would-display-his-loud-insecurities/
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