Planned Parenthood released its annual report showing a 13 percent increase in abortions.
After a delay of over six months, Planned Parenthood released its annual report for the 2015-2016 fiscal year, which ended in June of 2016. Now, almost a full year later, the report was finally released and consists mostly of PR nonsense defending its role as being vital for the well-being of American women and downplaying their role as an abortion provider. The organization attempted this through outright lies, deceptive statistics, and oversimplified polls.
The report also attempted to refute many of the horrific revelations of the undercover videos released by the Center For Medical Progress. CMP is an investigative organization that filmed and released a series of videos in 2015 that appeared to show damning evidence that Planned Parenthood profits from the sale of body parts of murdered babies.
Planned Parenthood continues to hold to the long-debunked claim that the undercover videos were deceptively edited and manipulated to create a false narrative. This is blatantly false. As CMP released shorter edits of their undercover videos, they also released the raw, unedited footage which was hours-long and included footage of bathroom breaks, camera adjustment, and commutes. Two separate reports, one of which was commissioned by Planned Parenthood, found the videos had not been deceptively edited after reviewing the footage.
Conversely, a congressional investigation found a significant amount of substantial evidence that supported what the videos claimed: Planned Parenthood affiliates partnered with biotech companies to provide fetal tissue for profit, a crime at both the state and federal levels. Despite this mountain of hard evidence, Planned Parenthood continues to paint the CMP videos as fabrications by right-wing, woman-hating nutjobs.

The Center For Medical Progress released video evidence of Planned Parenthood’s illegal activities.
The House panel also discovered that Planned Parenthood affiliates altered abortion procedures to harvest specific fully-intact organs and body parts so they could be sold for higher profits. In previous years, Planned Parenthood required their affiliates accept no compensation for fetal tissue beyond transport reimbursement. However, once a few affiliates ignored this requirement and accepted monetary compensation, Planned Parenthood erased the rule and began to disregard the law. The panel referred many of the incriminated affiliates to further investigation by various government entities such as the Senate Judiciary Committee and the FBI.
Another deception Planned Parenthood continues to spout off is that abortion only accounts for 3% of Planned Parenthood’s services, a claim that has been thoroughly debunked. This meaningless statistic has been refuted even by left-wing journalistic giants Slate and The Washington Post. Planned Parenthood is organized so that an STD test, a pack of pills, and a medical exam are all separate services.
Just as in any business, some services bring in more revenue than others. For instance, a gas station not only sells gas, but also potato chips, sodas, candy, windshield wipers, and other items. Obviously, gasoline brings in far more money than all other “services” offered by the station. After all, many people simply pump their gas and go on their way without purchasing anything else the station has to sell. This is also the case with Planned Parenthood and abortion. This absurd statistic is used to deceive people into believing that abortion is merely a fragment of what Planned Parenthood does when in reality it’s the lion’s share.
Planned Parenthood repeatedly claims that women will lose essential health care if it loses federal funding, however, its clinics are outnumbered 20-to-1 by federally qualified clinics which, under the Republican healthcare plan, would receive funding in place of Planned Parenthood.
The annual report also claimed that an overwhelming majority of Americans support Planned Parenthood and their abortion services. While a majority of Americans support abortion in early stages of pregnancy, a 2016 poll showed a majority of Americans are in favor of restricting abortions after 20 weeks. A January poll showed that 74 percent of Americans supported restrictions on abortion. This included 54 percent of pro-choice individuals.
Though Planned Parenthood depicts themselves as selfless, philanthropic heroes, they cannot seem to respond to critique without relying on lies. They use obfuscation to distract from their illegal activities and malevolent agenda. According to an overwhelming amount of hard evidence, Planned Parenthood harvested the organs of murdered babies to make a profit and continue to lie about it. The organization provided nearly 330,000 abortions between 2015-2016 according to their reports. This is an increase of nearly 5,000 from the previous fiscal year. Despite the overwhelming evidence pointing to Planned Parenthood’s guilt, the organization continues to be funded by taxpayer dollars and profit from the holocaust of unborn children.
The post Nearly 1 Year Later, Planned Parenthood Releases Final Report With Heinous Excuses appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.
Source -> http://last-cabin.xfer.tk/2017/06/nearly-1-year-later-planned-parenthood-releases-final-report-with-heinous-excuses-2/
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