Democrat Mayor of Portland Oregon, Ted Wheeler believes the First Amendment only applies to people he agrees with.
The Democrat Mayor of Portland Oregon, Ted Wheeler is trying to take action to remove the First Amendment rights of Trump supporters and anyone who voices opposition to Islamic Sharia law. Wheeler plans in the coming weeks to ban demonstrations planned in Portland by any such group. He has also made demands of the federal government to revoke or not issue demonstration permits for any rallies which are set to be held on federal property in Portland.

Posted on his Facebook Jeremy Christian openly states that his attempt was to portray the right as “Nazis” in order to discredit them. Despite that this information is publicly available, media are still trying to portray him as a “White supremacist, neo-nazi, racist, right wing, Trump supporter” in order to attack the right wing. The media is an active accomplice in his murders by doing what he wanted them to do.
The event that sparked this controversial move was the recent tragedy when leftist Bernie supporter Jeremy Christian got into an argument with a Muslim woman. Three men attempted to intervene in the argument, he attacked them with a knife and killed two while wounding the third man. Jeremy Christian’s online activity is a strange mix of atheism, “fascism bashing” and general anti-religion posts targeted at both Christians and Muslims.
This is not the first time a leftist atheist has attacked a Muslim and was immediately called a “White supremacist neo-nazi Trump supporting Christian” by the media. In 2015 when three Muslims were shot by atheist and anti-religious leftist Craig Stephen Hicks, the media immediately proclaimed that this was another case of “White supremacist neo-nazi Christians” killing someone because they’re so hateful.

Leftists like Mayor Wheeler are demanding we outlaw the “alt-right” because of “terrorist attacks” which are almost never actually committed by people on the right. They apparently are unaware the ratio of “white supremacist” terrorist attacks and Islamic terrorist attacks is literally 1 to 273.
Strangely, whenever a Muslim screams “Allahu Akbar” and blows up 22 children, we’re told that we can’t blame Muslims, we have to wait for the facts, and then finally that we deserve it because White people are evil and should die. None of that applies when a White person commits a crime, the immediate assumption is that he’s a “White supremacist neo-nazi Christian” and whenever it’s proven that he’s not, as is the case 99% of the time, there’s never an apology, they just drop the story.

Joey Gibson is organizing the two rallies that are being targeted by Mayor Wheeler.
Wheeler’s acts are in particular targeting two events, neither of which have to do with Jeremy Christian’s favored candidate, Bernie Sanders. The first of which is a rally planned for June 4th called “Trump Free Speech Rally Portland”. The second is another rally scheduled for June 10th and is part of a nationwide effort that day by Act for America which is called “March Against Sharia – March for Human Rights”. Both rallies in Portland are being organized by Joey Gibson.
Mayor Ted Wheeler announced his plans to deny First Amendment protections to the right in a series of tweets.
An excerpt from his statement reads below.
…2) I have confirmed that the City of Portland has NOT and will not issue any permits for the alt right events scheduled on June 4th or June 10th. The Federal government controls permitting for Shrunk Plaza, and it is my understanding that they have issued a permit for the event on June 4th.
3) I am calling on the federal government to IMMEDIATELY REVOKE the permit(s) they have issued for the June 4th event and to not issue a permit for June 10th. Our City is in mourning, our community’s anger is real, and the timing and subject of these events can only exacerbate an already difficult situation.
4) I am appealing to the organizers of the alt-right demonstrations to CANCEL the events they have scheduled on June 4th and June 10th. I urge them to ask their supporters to stay away from Portland. There is never a place for bigotry or hatred in our community, and especially not now.”…
Joey Gibson responded to Mayor Wheeler in a video statement that he posted on a Facebook page “Patriot Prayer”, part of the statement is below.
“Mayor Wheeler will not convince me to cancel the rally. I will not do that for several reasons,” he said. “One reason is that if I cancel this rally and if we don’t have a permit, you’re talking about hundreds of people just showing up in the park with no leadership, no voice of reason, nothing.”
“If they pull our permits, we cannot kick out the white supremacists, we cannot kick out the Nazis,” he said.
“Our speakers aren’t going to be filled with any hate,” Gibson said. “I have nothing to do with Jeremy Christian, and I will not stand down. I will make sure that I get up there, and I will make sure that I speak and say my piece. Because the things that I say, the things that I preach goes against everything that Jeremy Christian would have said.”
1. The government cannot revoke or deny a permit based on the viewpoint of the demonstrators. Period. https://t.co/P9gcNPAumH
— ACLU of Oregon (@ACLU_OR) May 29, 2017
It’s important to note that Mayor Wheeler did not demand a stop to a planned Antifa counter-protest on the same date, despite the fact that Antifa solely exists to commit terrorism against right wingers. However, Mayor Wheeler is facing a lot of criticism for his blatant overstepping of his boundaries. Even the left-wing ACLU is stating that the government can not revoke or deny a permit based on the viewpoint of the demonstrators.
The post Mayor Demands Protection For Islam As ‘Radical Right-Wing’ Bernie Supporter Goes On Rampage appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.
Source -> http://last-cabin.xfer.tk/2017/06/mayor-demands-protection-for-islam-as-radical-right-wing-bernie-supporter-goes-on-rampage/
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