Huma Abedin makes a shocking choice to let Anthony Weiner back into the family home.
Over the last month, it appeared that Huma Adebin was finally through with the sexting shenanigans of her husband, Anthony Weiner. She had taken the first steps in getting a divorce, and he was no longer living in their home. This all changed today as it looks like Abedin is a glutton for punishment as she invites Weiner to quietly move back in.
Weiner is still in the middle of a scandalous trial and faces an uncertain prison sentence. He took a plea deal that included having to register as a sex offender and this does not seem to bother Abedin. She not only invited Weiner back into their home, but she also signed a new lease.
Weiner was being forced out of the home and had been sleeping on his mother’s couch. The original agreement was that he was moving out as of yesterday, but this suddenly changed. According to a news report about this change of heart:
“Anthony Weiner’s long-suffering wife filed for divorce earlier this month, the same day the disgraced ex-congressman pleaded guilty to sexting with a 15-year-old girl.
But Abedin has since renewed the lease on their pricey Union Square duplex — and invited back home the man who has repeatedly heaped humiliation upon her, sources told The Post.
The luxury three-bedroom, 1,500-square-foot pad at 1 Irving Place features an “expansive, panoramic view of Union Square Park and the midtown skyline,” according to a Corcoran listing.”

Abedin seemed to be headed to divorce court.
Not only is Weiner staying in the high-end duplex, but it also seems even the divorce in on hold. Abedin did in fact file for divorce but she did not go as far as serving her husband with the papers. The pair has a five-year-old son together, and this seems to be playing a huge role in Weiner moving back in. He had been the primary caregiver for the boy, including during the time that his wife was working on the Clinton campaign.
It is not clear at this point if Abedin signed the lease on her own or if Weiner is on the lease. Typically every adult within the living unit appears on the contract, but there was not confirmation that the brokers allowed someone that is a registered sex offender to live in the building. With a rental unit costing $11,900 each month, one might assume they exclude criminals like Weiner.
With Weiner’s trial still fresh and his sentence not yet started, it is alarming to see all things forgiven already. According to a recent report about his last court date:
“…Weiner, 52, who pleaded guilty May 19 to one count of transferring obscene material to a minor, may not be around much after Labor Day. He faces 21 to 27 months behind bars for carrying on the lurid exchange with the North Carolina teen.
“I have a sickness but I do not have an excuse,” he told federal Judge Loretta Preska between sobs. “I knew that was morally wrong.” Abedin was not in the courtroom.”
Finding out that your husband was sexting a minor and also going to be required to register as a sex offender could push just about anyone to divorce court. In court, Weiner admitted to having a “sickness.” Sadly this was not the first time he had been in the media cross-hairs for ridiculous behavior.
Beyond the sexting to the teenager in North Carolina, Weiner was also caught in 2016 carrying on with at least one other adult. The exploits of 2016 were explained in the press:
“Weiner has long been plagued by a weakness for sexually charged cyber correspondence. The Post reported in August 2016 that he was still sexting women, prompting his wife to announce their separation.
He had texted a crotch shot to a West Coast mom that included his then-3-year-old in bed next to him.
He entered outpatient therapy for sex addiction in Tennessee last fall, where a Post reporter and photographer spotted him riding a horse as part of his treatment.”

Weiner’s sexting with his toddler on the bed next to him made the front cover of the news.
It might be easy to point to 2016 just being a rough year for Weiner, but this is not even the first time things fell apart as far as exposing himself. His troubles date back at least to 2011.
In 2011, the then-congressman was quickly moving up the political ladder. A sexted picture of his crouch forced him into the media spotlight. The initial claim was this picture was stolen, but later he admitted he had sent it out by mistake. He was not hacked, just for some reason not too great with social media tools like Twitter.
Weiner did not recover from the 2011 mishap as one might assume he would. In 2013, yet another scandal hit the media. The tweet from 2011 ended his career as a congressman, but in 2013 he threw his hat into the ring as a candidate for the Mayor of New York. The move to revive his political career exposed another set of sexting photos and an online relationship with 22-year-old Sydney Leathers. She was the first to step forward about the online relationship but definitely not the last.
Regardless of whether Weiner is a significant part of his son’s life, it seems odd that his wife allowed him back into the house. He has a well-established history of embarrassing and humiliating his family and himself. This does not look like a needed part of any household.
The post Huma Abedin & Anthony Weiner Make Shocking Announcement After Pedo Trial appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.
Source -> http://last-cabin.xfer.tk/2017/06/huma-abedin-anthony-weiner-make-shocking-announcement-after-pedo-trial/
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