On this day 23 years ago, I published my first book 'Dare To Change: An Alternative Vision For Singapore' (1994).
I had called for change then because innovation was changing the world – and rapidly. A quarter of a century has a way of sneaking up on us, and now we find our economy struggling because we unwisely refused to change and stuck with a one-party system, together with an out-dated economic model, all this time. This is what I wrote then:
"The problem becomes even more significant if one takes into account that much of the high-technological services that Singapore provides are copied and adopted from other more advanced countries. We do not have an environment that encourages innovation and creativity...Unless we make a serious effort to encourage critical, analytical, and creative thinking in our society, Singapore will always be riding on the technological coat-tails of other countries. It is unwise for us to continue this dead-end practice of constantly try to out-provide our neighbouring competitors with ever-higher-added-value quality services for MNCs to operate here if we do not foster a society that feeds and grows on ideas and innovation." (page 93)
[Photo]: Mei and I selling the book at the International Book Fair. We had rented a small space at the Fair held at the then World Trade Centre convention hall (now VivoCity).
Facebook post of Dr Chee Soon Juan
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